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The Art of Gratitude

Living your Life with Gratitude

Early on in my Personal Development journey over 18 years ago, Gratitude was the first mindset method I used on a daily basis which became life changing for me by opening me up to Manifesting more deliberately in life.

Gratitude is the feeling of happiness that comes from appreciation and giving thanks for all that you have around you. It can really help to heal the human body on all levels too.

It is a state of mind and is strongly linked to mental health and satisfaction in life. People that live their lives with gratitude experience more love, joy, happiness, enthusiasm and a greater degree of health and wellbeing.

By experiencing gratitude in your everyday life, this will help you cope better with stress, recover more quickly from illnesses and enjoy a more fulfilling life.

You will attract more in your life with whatever you are grateful for. We can be grateful for so many things in life...having our senses, being able to breathe, to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, to touch...having a meal, feeling a kiss against your lips, the loving feeling of a warm hug, the sunset!

Feelings of gratitude will bring positive emotions into your life, giving you a more positive attitude which will ensure more positive experiences are attracted into your life.

Start A

Gratitude Journal

Write down 5 each morning you are grateful for in your life. This will help you to remain consciously positive throughout your day.

Write down 5 each morning you are grateful for in your life. This will help you to remain consciously positive throughout your day.

At the end of each week or each month, pick your gratitude journal up and read the previous entries and really feel the love and appreciation coming through from these words. Close your eyes and connect to the feelings of gratitude and this will really help to uplift your mood and spirit.

Start attracting all your heart's desires and live the life of your dreams! You really can do it...feel the Power and take action today!

Take this a step further by downloading your FREE

GRATITUDE eBook giving you 7 daily gratitude exercises

to help uplift your vibe and positivity each and everyday.

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amazing offers, information and inspiration)

The Art of Affirmations

“What we think about we bring about"- Mike Dooley

Having a positive mindset is one of the most powerful strategies in life and by using the powerful tool of affirmations it is possible to achieve whatever you want in life.

Human thoughts are very creative so it is important that you direct your thoughts and thinking in a positive manner to achieve your desires. We all to a certain degree have negative thoughts and these can be just as powerful as positive thoughts but can be very self-destructive.

Whilst we have no real control over the World and certain aspects of our lives, we do have control over the way we interpret and react to each given situation.

Thoughts, internal dialogue and feelings run through your mind. If you suspect you have a lot of negative thoughts running through your mind then it is worth booking an Intuitive Energy Healing Session (link to healing page) to change these negative beliefs that really aren’t serving you - to positive ones that can really help turn your life around, along with using a number of affirmations.

You experience your interpretation as an internal dialogue. Thoughts, judgements and feelings are ceaselessly swirling through your mind. THOUGHTS LIKE >>>

“I like this; I don't like that; I am afraid of this; I am unsure about him/her.”

This internal dialogue is not random, it is generated from a deep level by your beliefs and assumptions which have been formed and accumulated from the time you were born.

It is worth remembering that a lot of these assumptions and beliefs were formulated as a child and have never been re-examined and therefore may be highly inappropriate to you as an adult or just simply wrong. When someone's interpretation changes, a change subsequently takes place in their reality. Thus we can make big changes in our lives by changing our thinking.

"When your interpretation changes,

So does your reality"

By developing a positive mindset through positive thinking techniques, visualisations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve

Whatever you want.

At a personal level it will transform your life, your health and renew the joy and passion for life. With this power you can turn failure around into success and take success and drive it to a whole new level. Your positive attitude is the fuel for your success.

Just imagine waking up each morning, bursting with excitement, energy and joy for the new day!

It really is that powerful...

Affirmations are like little daily reminders to your inner-self and are always positive and uplifting. The words should be related to specific areas of your life that need attention or where you want to bring about change.

Affirmations really do work and can transform your life today.

TO ACCESS YOUR FREE POSITIVE AFFIRMATION EBOOK with 100 Daily Positive Affirmations to Manifest a Life of Love, Joy and Abundance.

The eBook includes:

  • An in depth view on your mindset

  • What is an affirmation

  • Your step by step guide to using Affirmations

  • 100 powerful affirmations in various categories

  • Self-Love

    Love is the HIGHEST VIBRATION ever and has the ability to inspire, heal and bring people together..

    When you raise your vibration by increasing your self love vibes...

    Your energy will then directly resonate with all the ABUNDANCE you are looking to ATTRACT and MANIFEST into your life so you align with your MANIFESTING DESIRES, including…

    Attracting more clients in your funnels and business... MAKING MORE MONEY!

    Forming a successful career with more PAY & BENEFITS, feeling valued and appreciated.

    A more loving and passionate relationship with your partner, that's based on love, trust, understanding, passion, friendship, happiness, joy and so much more... If single, even meeting your most compatible soul mate that's in direct resonance with your beautiful loving energetic Vibes!

    Quality time spent with your children and family, creating beautiful memories that will last a lifetime.

    An abundance of health, wellness and Vitality, feeling more energised and in tune with yourself on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level.

    Having personally increased my SELF LOVE VIBES...

    I manifested my soulmate who proposed to me on 11.11.11 at 11.11am... I said YES of course and have been happily married for over 11 years now and we have two beautiful earthangels together!

    So you see SELF LOVE has so many positive benefits and is the cornerstone of personal growth, well being and authentic happiness.

    It is the foundation upon which we build a life filled with confidence, fulfilment, and meaningful connections.

    By prioritising self-love, you invest in your own emotional well-being, boost your self-esteem, and create a harmonious balance between your mind, body, and soul.

    SELF LOVE has so many positive benefits and will really help to UPLIFT YOUR LIFE taking you to that next level!

    Sending you Love and Abundance always! -SharanYour Manifesting Abundance Mentor and Intuitive Energy Healer


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